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Gothenburg, Sweden
Eritrean by birth. Residing in Goteborg, Sweden. Law and Global Studies background. Loves to play and watch basketball and football. Watching the art of football is much more than fun when Arsenal boys are on the play ground.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wide of the Mark I

By Ws Hag

“The inspiration is let’s sprint, if we can’t sprint, let’s run, if we can’t run, let’s walk, if we also can’t walk, then let’s crawl, but in any way possible, let’s keep moving.”
Wuire Mamadu Tamba Barrie

Political grievances that come from political groups, lacking the benefit of a possible solution, need to be quashed with no hesitation. No party or political group has the monopoly of virtual wisdom. Individuals as well as groups, who are involved in this arena, should look at the people as ‘immense precedence’ and ‘valuable’ when compared to the loved land and state.

The present government seemed reactive and defensive. When asked to respond, still comes off as more energetic, disciplined and effective repeatedly. Eritrea is in an intense geopolitical struggle and its people wanted to understand how their leaders would lead. Let alone those who are in power, those who will become are also under the enfold of this irrefutable question. Their strengths and weaknesses as leaders in war and peace; how they define conflict, success and the achievement of victory. The up-to-the-minute war with our neighbors is really much like political, economic and social struggle for hearts and minds. In such circumstances, it is crucial to balance success against political effects.

Great time war leaders know that they owe their public the bad news the same as the excellent ones. Such honesty maintains a leader’s credibility and reassures the public that it is not being manipulated. The refusal to acknowledge mistakes is not simply an image problem. It is a gravest fault not to accept and work upon it when the reality on the ground is different from your own theories and principles. The present politicians of our country may verbalize well of themselves as “Catholics more than the Pope.” They want us to know as if they are clean of any momentous blunders. What is happening, however, is the opposite.

Equally, democratic societies have always debated war leadership vigorously, even in the middle of hostilities. So a spirited debate during a war is not to be feared. Being a good politician, Pericles of Athens could be mentioned as an outstanding model who quickly came back as his leadership frustrated in the Peloponnesian War. War is not a reason to suspend democracy. In fact, it is justified when democracy is at its most far-reaching and vibrant position.

Any government, in such occurrence, has to realize that it can’t remain in power and rule thousands of citizens against their will and consent indefinitely. People need a government, which can play by the rules; good governance meant for the salient and silent law abiding majority who pay their dues. By the same token, politicians have a duty to respond to the people. If they messed up, either they need to make good their mistakes or they have to step down. It is indeed worthy and requisite to tell the truth after the run up of any debatable issue. If not, they need to be forced to lose their job, as they would be desperate to be commended for the admirable work they might did or do.

The current group in command has said so much but delivered hardly anything to the best and patient ingredient, except few, in Eritrea. People are drained with ‘talk’; they want action of real concern. These few individuals need to listen, not only to their own aspirations but also to the tight spot of the majority who already became victims of the unsolved political issues. It is apposite and gratifying at this juncture, with deep compassion, to realize and acknowledge the role our youngsters are paying with their opportunity, time, labor and more than anything else their dear life. It is more than pleasing to give a sensible respect and practice to your own lexis than to listen and disregard.

Each person owes this country everything what he/she have. However, the few influential individuals still think that the country still owes them a lot as a reward for their long struggle as freedom fighters or political undertaking. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. What will be the reward for those who paid with their irreversible lives then? Cash…. This is poignant. This is not the purpose they bestow their last gasp for. Let’s remember their very last words, “awet n’hafash”. Yes indeed for their much-loved people and country, not simply for the group who were and are in the leadership. It is only when the assurance which made them offer their dear existence is respected that the country comes to relax at peace.

Nearly two decades later, however, people are still wearisome to divine the significance of the “rule of law” and the event that led to the brutal crackdown of the present government. The nation wanted to know what precipitated the wave of post war mayhem that swept across the country and its citizens.

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