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Selam, Welcome, Välkommen ...
This blog is meant to reflect my views and perspective upon different issues.
It is a place where I net my ideas and thoughts in a way that demonstrates my inner emotional attitudes from bottom to top.
As a network oriented reader and surfer, I hope you find something of interest that keeps you tuned to read along and comment upon my writings as well come back again.

About Me

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Gothenburg, Sweden
Eritrean by birth. Residing in Goteborg, Sweden. Law and Global Studies background. Loves to play and watch basketball and football. Watching the art of football is much more than fun when Arsenal boys are on the play ground.

Monday, April 6, 2009

መንዮም መን?

By Ws Hag

ከለው ዝደቀሱ
ረኺሶም ዘራኽሱ
ድጋመት ዘፍሰሱ

እወ ይወናወኑ
ጥራሕ ንእዋኑ

ብምቁንጻብ የቃልሉ
ነብሶም’ውን እናታለሉ

ዘረባ ከመቅሩ
መሳምር የስምሩ
ዘዝተረኽበ ክምእርሩ

ዕድለይ ዝዕድላ
ንኹሉ እንከላ
እንታይ ክንሕፉላ

ዘብለዩ መዛንኦም
ዘይበልየሎም ንባዕሎም
ሆ... ይብሉ ከምኣመሎም

መትከሎም ኣይፍሉጥ
ኣካይዳኦም ዘይስሉጥ
ሕልና ዘቅወጥውጥ

እንታይሞ… ኣክቢዶም ትሕዝቶ
መሲልዎም ብቀሊሉ ዝእቶ
ረሲዖሞ ከምዘሎ ህውታቶ

ግን…ኣለዎ ንኹሉ ደረጃ
ኣየስተብሃሉን ከምዘሎ ወረጃ
ቀዲሙ ዝኾነ በጃ’ወ በጃ።

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